Friday, 7 August 2020

Mental health is a priority!

This year has been so stressful for a lot of people especially emotionally and psychologically. People have lost their jobs, some their loved ones to the pandemic while some have generally lost their zeal and passion to pursue their dreams because of all that has been going on in the world hence the rise in depression. I want to share with you signs that you may be overwhelmed and may easily fall into depression and how to fix it.

You may be going through depression if you experience any of the following. 

■ Unexplained sleeplessness or even sleeping too much
■ Extreme anxiety and restlessness 
■ Loss of appetite or excesssive eating
■ Lack of zeal for the things you used to be excited about
■ Laid back attitude towards life
■ Lack of joy or feeling sad
■ Fatigue or low energy levels
■ Loss of sense of worth and value
■ Suicidal thoughts

The earlier you realise you are exhibiting signs of depression, the better it is for you to handle it. Here are ways to handle it.

■ Listening to music
■ Meditation
■ Performing deep breathing exercises 
■ Speaking to a trusted friend
■ Going for therapy
■ Communicating your concerns with your loved ones
■ Attending group activities 
■ Reading a book that interests you
■ Seeking medical help

I truly hope these tips help you fix your mental health and don't forget to seek medical help when/if it's required. 

Sunday, 8 March 2020

5 ways to combat Flu

Flu definitely has no cure as it is caused by Influenza virus but below are some tips to help you manage symptoms that accompany flu.

 1. Drink plenty of fluids
Dehydration can easily set in so ensure you stay hydrated in order to thin out the mucus coming from your lungs.

2. Get plenty of rest
 Flu can make you suffer exhaustion so the best way to recuperate fast is to stay in bed and get some rest. Staying at home will also reduce the spread of the infection to others.

3. Eat balanced diet
   Consumption of fruits, vegetables and other healthy meals will help to hasten recovery and build your immune system.

4. Practice good hand hygiene
  The best way to prevent spreading the virus to other people as well as re-infecting yourself is by regular handwashing and proper disposal of used tissues and towels. Ensure you don't sneeze into open air rather sneeze into a tissue or towel or into your elbow and discard the tissue immediately. Wash your hands with soap and water or rub hands with hand sanitizer after every sneeze or cough.

5. Treat the fever and aches with over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs
    Flu usually comes with fever, chills, body aches hence the need to take paracetamol or ibuprofen to lower your body temperature and reduce the aches.

         Finally, it's good to note that flu usually resolves on it's own with the above mentioned remedies. However, if you are experiencing severe symptoms, it's best to go the hospital.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Keeping fit while on the GO: 5 simple tips to stay healthy.

Staying fit might sound like an ambiguous task to accomplish considering the hustle and bustle of city life. However, in this post I will simplify this seemingly cumbersome task and give you reasonable tips on how to keep fit despite your busy daily activities.

1. Find every avenue to take a walk
It may seem easier to always drive or take a bus to your destination but walking will help in blood circulation and prevent complications that arise from being sedentary like thromboembolism. It's advisable to park your car few kilometers to your destination and just take a walk to where you are going. Walking is the easiest and cheapest form of exercise, so maximize it.

2. Drink water judiciously
You must have heard people say 'drink water and mind your business'. This is actually the best advice anybody can give. Water has way too many benefits. It cleanses your body of toxins, boosts your immunity, makes your skin glow, regulates your temperature , delivers oxygen throughout your body, aids digestion of food as well as elimination of waste products. The list is inexhaustible. In short, drinking enough water will make you stay healthy and live longer.

3. Eat right
 Many people are used to consuming loads of junks either because its fast to get or just because they don't pay attention. Planning your meals will help you choose your food wisely and also reduce the possibility of you consuming too much junks. If you have the time, cooking healthy meals is the best. Consume loads of fruits and vegetables, your body will thank you for that.

4. Get enough sleep at night and take short naps during the day
   Your whole system rejuvenates while you are sleeping. Imagine a machine working tirelessly all day without going on a break. I can assure you that it's just a matter of time, the machine will breakdown beyond repairs. The remedy to breaking down is taking a break.

5. Have a positive mindset
   Negative vibes sure have a way of draining you psycologically and even physically. See that you surround yourself with the right people who have the same positive drive as you. Ensure you see positivity in everything. Keep yourself motivated and don't stop pushing that dream of yours. Never give up.

Mental health is a priority!

This year has been so stressful for a lot of people especially emotionally and psychologically. People have lost their jobs, some their love...